I had another dream last night.
This one I can only remember two tidbits though. One, it was my bachelor party. Two, I was dressed up as the original green
power ranger. The costume was the real
deal too; I was pretty excited about it.
All de sads that I can’t recollect any more of it.
Well, the
project isn’t done, but it is well on its way.
As we head back to St. Louis, our combined tree count is over the 600
mark—1000 if you count all of the smaller ones we had to clear. Not bad for 11 days of work, eh? Brian and Dan were very appreciative of what
we accomplished and told us that they had the funds and were more than
interested in having either us or another AmeriCorps group sent over to
continue where we left off. That made me
feel warm inside, which is really saying something because it was freaking cold
out! Anyways, after having been out on
this project for 11 days, I’ve decided I could live a simple life like
this. I could survive with little to no
technology, but only as long as I lived with or near the majority of my friends
and family. That’s that until the next
adventure! Later all.
The first picture is my own. The second two of Team Yellow were taken by Dalton (or at least they were taken on his device). If you liked the pictures here, there are a couple more in my Current River album on Facebook. Hope you enjoyed the imagery!